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Community Contributions

These are community wads that I've contributed to. Newer stuff is towards the bottom.

Negative One
This wad is jank incarnate. When the project started, it was just 2 rooms, and anyone was allowed to edit and add anything. I contributed some geometry and assets.
Doomworld post
NegOne Screenshot
2 Enemy project
The project that The Flaescus was made for. There's tons of interesting and unique maps (over 40!) in the project so be sure to check it out. The first Release Candidate is out and is getting it's finishing touches so the final release shouldn't be too far away.
Doomworld post
2 Enemy project Screenshot
Doomworld Maximum project 2021
This project was more like a map jam where anyone could submit a map and there was no concrete style or rules. All the maps are accessible through a hub level, categorized by the sourceport they use. Overall, this project is a great showcase of the variety that the community can create.
Doomworld Post
Dead Signal Screenshot
Doomworld Maximum project 2023
This is much like the previous maximum project in that there are not many restrictions to the type of map you could submit.
Doomworld Post
Warehouse Screenshot
Radio Free Gehenna
A retro themed project based around the tried and true classic Doom feel to create something simple, but solid.
Doomworld Post
Radio Free Screenshot
PUSS is a popular speedmapping event on Doomworld. This one is particularly special as it's dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Doom.
The rules were fairly simple, create something akin to the original levels.
There's a good amount of submissions, some even submitting entire episodes, so be sure to check this one out.
Doomworld Post
PUSS Screenshot
Doom Refired
The debut project of Team IDKFA. New monsters, new music, and 32 (possibly more) maps of 90's style action through an unknown realm.
Doomworld Post
[Screenshots coming soon]